Lynn Bourinaris Culinary Arts CTE - Career and Technical Education Teacher
Josh Conklin Welding CTE - Career and Technical Education Teacher
Kristina Conklin Cosmetology CTE - Career and Technical Education Teacher
Howard Drake Carpentry CTE - Career and Technical Education Teacher
Lacey Ferreira Allied HealthCTE - Career and Technical Education Teacher
Joshua Gardepe Electrical CTE - Career and Technical Education Teacher
Chad Gasiorek Commercial Baking CTE - Career and Technical Education Teacher
Amanda Hoppe Commercial Art CTE - Career and Technical Education Teacher
Chris Land Engineering CTE - Career and Technical Education Teacher
John Mackey Transportation Technology (Auto/Diesel) CTE - Career and Technical Education Teacher
Thomas Makris Architectural Technology CTE - Career and Technical Education Teacher
Gillian Matos Student Center Recreation Coordinator / Student Center
Dennis McCarthy Law and Public Safety CTE - Career and Technical Education Teacher
Tracey McNamara Student Center Admin Assistant / Student Center
Rod Mosner Maintenance / CustodiansDirector of Buildings and Grounds
Wilson Ortiz Mechatronics CTE - Career and Technical Education Teacher
Laura Pinhas Natural Resources & Conservation/HorticultureCTE - Career and Technical Education Teacher
Lisa Schneider Administration Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Michael Shadwell Transportation Technology (Auto/Diesel) CTE - Career and Technical Education Teacher
Stephen Spotts Graphic Communications CTE - Career and Technical Education Teacher
Neil Trimper Culinary Arts CTE - Career and Technical Education Teacher
Michael Ventresco Cinematography and Film/Video ProductionCTE - Career and Technical Education Teacher
Deborah Wakefoose Cosmetology CTE - Career and Technical Education Teacher